On the cover: Mason Ho (@cocom4debarrelkilla), mid-expectoration at Backdoor. “He was on a roll and must have made at least five waves that looked completely unmakeable,” says photographer Shane Grace (@shane__grace). On the back: Rainer Fetting (@rainerfetting), LA SURFSCAPE VI, 2004, oil on canvas, 11 × 14 inches, courtesy of Galerie Thomas Fuchs (@galeriefuchs).
Viewpoints inside the magazine include the mindset of big-wave bodysurfer Kalani Lattanzi (@kalanilattanzi), North Shore snaps by skateboarding icon Arto Saari (@artofoto), a chase for birds and swell in Southern Europe, the purist standards of big-board surfer and shaper Sam Yoon, a surfer/farmer's (@theecologycenter) organics ringed by hyper development, and much more.