On the cover of the new issue: A view from the back line at Dungeons for Matt Bromley (@mattbromleysurf), Fabian Campagnolo (@fabian_campagnolo), Frank Solomon (@franksolomon), and Twiggy Baker (@granttwigbaker). Photograph by Ant Fox (@antfoxphoto). On the back: Sand hogging within the Hollister Ranch complex, October 1969. Photograph by Ron Stoner.
Other vistas in this issue include Jason Childs’ (@childsphotos) 30-year Indonesian archive, an epochal rancho California trespass with Ron Stoner, and the intense ephemerality of North Carolina’s Outer Banks captured by Daniel Pullen (@danielpullen). We also slide frictionless with West Oz-based surfer/shooter duo Jordan Rodin (@jordanrodin) and Billy Cervi (@billycervi), log Malibu with Karina Rozunko (@karinarozunko), and talk mid-life shredding with Taj Burrow (@tajamos). Cultural studies include the endangered species of high-production handshapers, artist Fritz Chesnut’s (@fritzchesnutstudio) destructive process, walking away from a head-on collision in Baja, and more.