Custom Japanese Wetsuits

As Surfers, keeping warm for long periods of time in the ocean no matter how cold, is our biggest priority.
With that in mind we have teamed up with Glidz Japan to offer you a full custom wetsuit service. From a Short John for the tropics to a 5/4 hooded full suit for an arctic mission and everything in between, we've got you covered.
Designed to fit the body instead of stretching over it. Glidz wetsuits are hand made in Japan with a no-compromise approach. Hand-crafted, custom suits are painstakingly constructed, made to fit YOU. What ever shape you are, offering the most freedom of movement a wetsuit can offer. Which includes correct alignment of the neoprene for maximum stretch, when stretched correctly aligned there are no ripples or folds creating less possibility of rash.. Glidz Japanese super light limestone based Fiber-Light™ premium neoprene is lighter and more flexible without losing any of it’s durability.
Lead time for custom suits is 3-4 weeks start to finish. As things don't really start to cool down here until later in May, we are offering a measure up service over the next 10 days with a deadline of Sunday the 17th March to ensure suits are delivered and ready for mid April in case we get an early cold snap.
To organise a free measure up or have any questions answered you can contact us HERE